
Kick Off Workshop - Electronic Invoicing & eCommerce B2b Observatory: one month from the obligation.

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TESISQUARE, Partner of the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano, participated last 12th February at the Kick-off of the Electronic Billing & eCommerce B2b 2018/2019 Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano.

The goal of the meeting, one month after the start of the obligation of electronic invoicing between private individuals, was to update the participants on the latest regulatory and technical news as well as on practice, but above all to take stock of the situation. A first glance was also given to the evolution of e-invoicing at European level.

In the first fifteen days of February, E-invoices have more than doubled. Data show a rising trend with 183 million invoice files sent by over 2.06 million businesses. With the data transmission of the month of February, therefore, more than doubled the number of invoices transited through the Exchange System (SdI – Sistema di Interscambio), managed by the technological partner Sogei: as of 31st January, in fact, there were about 100 million invoices sent by part of a million and a half operators. In the ranking of regions, Lombardy has over 80 million consignments, while among the sectors stands out that of wholesale and retail and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles.

However, the critical issues reported by the companies participating in the workshop are not lacking; for example, it emerged that for some invoices there is no reply from the Interchange System. Furthermore, the correct identification of the receipt date is not always clear and easy to identify depending on the different billing cases and files attached to the XML invoice have a size limit. As for the mandatory fields of XML it was found that they do not always reflect the needs of the Business Partners involved in the process.

With regard to B2B electronic invoicing at the European level, Legislative Decree 27 December 2018, n. 148, established that Italy accepts the obligation to receive electronic invoices that comply with the European standard in the field of public procurement.
From 18th April all the public or private contractors of public procurement concerning European central administrations will have to be able to manage invoices in European format (UBL 2.1 and / or UN / CEFACT Cross Industry Invoice).

From 2020 the obligation will cover all European public administrations.

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