
TESI eViSuS®, using telehealth in Covid-19 pandemic

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TESI eViSuS® was key topic in the interview with the journalist Cristina Gabetti for Striscia La Notizia, on air last May 23rd, about the telemedicine solution and its potential as a tool for the future medical practice.

The use of TESI eViSuS® has changed over time: from a tool for remote patient monitoring at home, to an essential medical device in the daily battle against the Covid-19 in the hospital. TESI eViSuS® enables to mitigate the risk of virus spreading in hospitals and nursing homes, while exploiting the remote connections between Control Station and Totem, placed into Covid-19 ward. This has reduced the access of medical specialists for consultations to patients with chronic diseases, while preventing healthcare personnel infection when treating COVID-19 patients, and reducing the use of personal protective equipment.

Innovation comes from doctors’ intuition who work at Spedali Civili in Brescia. This means using totems – initially purchased to be placed at patients’ home – in the Covid-19 ward with some changes to submit at our technology partner (made in a timely manner).

The journey in telemedicine is the result of a corporate vision based on approach consistent with the modern principles of Open Innovation, declined as a capacity to interconnect people, technologies and processes in a collaborative way.

To strengthen this vision and systematize the approach to the market, we have designed and built the “TESISQUARE® Digital Innovation Hub”: trait d’union between a past spotted by specific experiences and a future in which innovation is key to make strategic choices and contribute to the digital development of companies, people skills and territory.  The Digital Hub establishes the «Open Company» Ecosystem creation through 360-degree potential collaborations with boundless counterparts in terms of skills, sectors, and geographical area.

As Striscia La Notizia says: keep an eye on the future!

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