The TESI SALES suite is designed with a modular approach, enabling rapid and scalable adoption based on specific customer needs. The suite provides a set of modular solutions to digitize processes such as collaborative replenishment, ordering, invoicing, and front- and back-office operations, ensuring product transparency and brand safeguarding.
TESI SALES, a software suite included in the Tesisquare platform, enables you to enhance your sales performance and the overall relationship with your customers.
Achieve complete and rapid integration with customers on order acquisition and execution and on billing, both with large, IT-structured companies and with small, non-digitised companies.
Achieve unified back-office and front-office management in a single environment, with a unique user experience, to maximise operating efficiency and optimise control of costs and margins. Features to combat the grey market.
Enhance customer loyalty through new shopping experiences using the latest technologies for greater visibility on processes and products, while ensuring brand protection.
Enhanced collaboration and visibility with your B2X customers
Streamlined front and back-end sales processes
Management by exception
Reduced time to market
Increased cost savings
Enhanced brand reputation
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